Park & Ride!

Park to meet your carpool, or walk, bike, or ride the bus the remaining way

Map of locations

Park and Ride the Bus, ride a bike, carpool, or walk.

511 and Go Ithaca Park & Ride Map

Map of locations

Park and Ride the Bus, ride a bike, carpool, or walk.


  • Drive part way and find a location near a bus stop if riding a bus the remaining way.
  • Take your bike along and mount it on the bus to go further.
  • Meet your car/vanpool members at a park and ride, they can arrive and go home by bus.


Reach out to Go Ithaca for more Park and Ride support and ways to combine modes.

Sign up for Go Ithaca

Go Ithaca Members can Park & Ride in special locations

Sign up to Go Ithaca

Members have access to special Park & Ride Locations